Mongkeh Kha @ Balmung - Last Updated 7/17/2021
Artwork by Yuna @
An Introduction
.......The beast sniffed the air again. It wouldn't be far now. After spending the better part of the afternoon traipsing across the unfamiliar mountainside toward this foreign scent, the creature had started to drool with anticipation. Each crunching step along the graveled cliffs brought it desperately closer to its next meal. Unfortunately, the next heavy step would herald its doom; for a collection of chimes rang out, echoing across the stony expanse. The beast spun to howl at the unexpected noise and tripped over the wire that betrayed him. As the creature staggered and attempted to regain its footing, a flying blade embedded itself deep within the beast's right eye socket. The beast roared vehemently at its invisible attacker when it felt two more singing blades catch in the thick fur surrounding the arm that now protected its bloodied face........"Katon!" a voice shouted from the shadows........The beast's coat erupted in an instantaneous inferno of flames that was ignited by the assailent's mudra causing the creature to split the air with a horrific wailing of both pain and fury. Finally managing to climb to its feet, the creature flailed its heavy arms wildly in an effort to buffet the attacking lights that were dancing across its own pelt. The crazed monstrosity's panic caused the burning fur and melted flesh to fling in every direction........"Ach!" the hidden voice cried as a chunk of seared flesh found him........The half-blind beast searched for the voice and charged, bellowing a death note to the attacker as it careened forward. A force caught the back of the creature's throat from the inside and a bo staff jutted from between its teeth. The creature's good eye gaped in fear as the spectre shouted again........"Raiton!".......A bolt of white-hot lightening spun the length of the pole allowing it to pierce the fiery demon's flesh as it were wetted parchment. With a final sideswipe, the lancer felled the beast protecting his dinner and home. The ended creature crashed heavily to its knees and, after what seemed like ticks, the rest of the carcass followed causing a puff of chalky dust to plume as it landed........"What in Nhaama's name is a manzasiri doing in the Still?" Mongkeh Kha muttered to himself, the rumbling octave of his voice too low to be caught by the winds of the mountains. He spun his discharged bo staff around before sliding it through the holster on his back. The fresh burn across the right side of his rib cage throbbed to remind him of his mistakes. He had intended to scare the beast off of the cliff and had completely discounted the possibility that it would flail in place, much less, turn and attack after being set ablaze........"There's always room for improvement." he sighed, scolding himself........The shirtless xaela scarcely had time to don his armor before rushing out to fend off -or slay- the intruder. Mongkeh thought himself lucky that the threat was not a greater danger; an enemy tribe member seeking glory would have no doubt noticed his makeshift alarum and taken advantage of the seemingly unguarded foe. Even so, the seared flesh that he'd caught from the beast only moments ago clung to the warrior's caramel bare skin just long enough to brand him........"Damned beast. I suppose dinner will have to wait a few minutes." he decided aloud as he unbuckled the holster strap and tossed the gear to the ground........Mongkeh turned around to scan his makeshift yurt for damages. The poor representation of the Auri housing had several singe marks from where the manzasiri's flaming fur fell against the hide-covered pillars, but nothing that would cause a lasting defect nor that would allow the elements to enter uninvited. Mongkeh pulled back the hide that draped across the entrance to his abode and stepped inside. The shelter itself only stood about five and one-half fulms in height and the diameter was roughly five fulms across, which caused the alpine six nine xaelan lancer to walk around leaning forward while within. The xaela walked to the back of the miniature yurt and grabbed an array of herbs from a cache kept beside a sabertooth tigerskin pelt that was laid on the ground across the right half of the shelter........Mongkeh swung the exit open and stood up straight as he walked outside. He glanced at the nearby simmering pot that was suspended over a small pile of embers to make sure that the kindling was still being worked through. The pot's spicing must have drawn the wandering hulks's attention. Mongkeh thought for a moment and then pinched one of the herbs' buddings over the pot. The herb may squelch a bit of the flavor, but it would also suppress the scent from attracting any more unwanted guests. With the remaining herbs in hand, he walked around to the back side of his temporary home and stopped in front of a large severed barrel that was a little over a fulm deep and three fulms wide and tossed the herbs inside........"Suiton. Katon." Mongkeh muttered nonchalantly as his hands formed the proper signs. A small tidal wave coalesced midair and fell into the large bucket and heated to the point of steaming while the water that missed the target splattered the surrounding gravel. He had used the same ninjutsu countless times before to fill the tub that doubled functionally as a yol trough when his feathered friends weren't migrating to warmer climates........The warrior unbuckled the belt to his weathered pants while kicking the sandals from his feet, disrobed, and stepped cautiously into the steaming bath. Hot, but not too hot. The xaela's brown skin was far more sensitive than the soot black scales that covered the warrior's heels, calves, waist, wrists, triceps, spine, neck, and chin. Much like the horns that stabbed forward and back from the sides of Mongkeh's head above the jawline, the scales were a means of protection in battle and were nearly impossibly pierced. Mongkeh gripped the sides of the trough and lowered himself slowly into the pool while extending his legs to hang over one side of the barrel. The steaming water rose over his groin, chiseled four pack abdomen, and eventually drowned the white hairs that littered his chest before reaching the scorpion-shaped scaling that crawled downwards from his neck scales. Mongkeh breathed in deep as the stinging from the submerged burn grappled for his attention. He leaned forward until his head sank beneath the water and then flung it back again to let his long white spindly hair drape over the back side of the barrel. He leaned back to rest his head while is arms stretched out and settled along the trough rim........Mongkeh Kha relaxed himself and waited for the cottonseed herb's oils to sooth and heal his new wound as his mind started to wander. Perhaps he should soon take another trip across the mountain range to replenish his herb and spice collection.
At a Glance